Our writers write plenty of essays and can deal with any topic and any complexity. They complete papers that have impacts on readers. If you are not a online paper writer and you purchase an essay on the website, you can be sure it'll be written based on your instructions and with an strategy.

It isn't important whether you will need a standard essay, or a huge dissertation -- we will finish any paper for you. So that your information won't be passed to third parties, our system is secure.

All papers with a cover sheet must be handed in aside from BA and MA theses, to be found in the drawers outside the secretaries' office. All papers must have:

  • a title page containing the following information: University of Bern, Department of English; title of the paper; name of the supervisor; type of paper (BA/MA, seminar paper, etc.); author's full name, address, email and matriculation number; and the date;
  • a Table of Contents;
  • a References / Works Cited section.

Here Are a Few Tips:

All professors may wish to observe a strong argument, cogently advanced and well-supported by evidence from the literature.

  1. Organization counts. Ensure that you have a thesis inside your paragraph. Paragraphs should state argument and a topic and supply evidence to support that topic.
  2. Don't forget the conclusion. A conclusion assists the reader to recall the essential facets of your argument and leaves your reader.
  3. Don't allow the critics run away with your paper.
  4. Subordinate their views and be certain the preponderance of the paper is yours. Never cite a view that is crucial you don't understand.
  5. Remember to revise your work and proof-read carefully.

Some professors care more about one element of paper writing than others. Some particularly hate to see documentation errors; for others sloppy writing (lots of spelling, punctuation and other mechanical errors) spells doom.

Always do your very best work, and don't assume that you can neglect any part of your essay.
This might be tough to believe, but hiring a writer is the best decision you can make when you have writing assignments to finish. That can be proven by our customers. That it's possible to discover a writer in your area of study simply.

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